Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Healing method hypnosis – what are the possible applications??

There are many myths and legends about hypnosis. But even if hypnotists sometimes present it that way in their shows, it is not a matter of magic.

In fact, it is a procedure that puts people in an altered state of consciousness, in which the attention as well as the reference to reality are strongly limited.

This state is used by doctors, alternative practitioners and psychotherapists to treat diseases, addictions and other ailments.

How does hypnosis work?

During hypnosis, a person’s state of consciousness changes. In this context it is important to mention that, contrary to what is shown in many movies and books, this can never succeed if there is no basic willingness to hypnosis on the part of a person.

If, on the other hand, someone wants to be consciously hypnotized, the state is subsequently very easy to establish.

Basically, every hypnosis is a self-hypnosis. This means there is no mystical power and also no one else takes control of one’s thoughts.

The hypnotist is primarily there to help the person relax and enter a corresponding trance state or deep sleep.

In order to achieve this, several steps and prerequisites are usually required:

  • Hypnosis works best in a quiet room with the elimination of all possible sources of disturbance such as cell phones or noise from outside.
  • In a first step, the expectations and goals of hypnosis should be clarified.
  • To create the trance state, the hypnotist speaks in a deep, slow and soothing voice.
  • In doing so, it asks the person to focus on regular and deep breathing.
  • To support this, it is helpful to ask the person to focus on a specific object and direct their attention to it.
  • Now it is a matter of encouraging the person to relax. This works by instructing her to concentrate on individual body parts or muscles.
  • With the help of the “hypnotic staircase”, the person is asked to walk down a staircase, sinking a little deeper into relaxation with each step.

However, this is only an exemplary introduction to hypnosis. To create the desired trance state, there are many other possibilities and methods.

Once a person is in a state of deep hypnosis, this gives the doctor, alternative practitioner or psychotherapist a new opportunity to bring about a desired change in behavior.

In which cases is hypnosis helpful?

The areas of application for hypnosis are very diverse. However, it must be taken into account that hypnotherapy is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment. Rather, it is a useful addition, which should always be discussed in consultation with the attending physician.

A hypnosis in the hypnosis institute of Mr. Simon Brocher in Cologne can be considered for example in the most different cases.

A common reason for visiting Mr. Brocher are Weight problems. Here, during hypnosis, the reasons that negatively influence eating behavior are discussed. Thus, negative behaviors can be broken, which are responsible for the unhealthy diet.

Often behind the excess weight, for example Addiction to chocolate. This arises on the one hand from the psychoactive substances contained in the chocolate and on the other hand to calm down or reward oneself as a substitute action.

Willpower alone often no longer helps in such cases. Hypnotherapy can help to get a grip on addiction.

Of course, hypnosis can also be used to treat other addictions. Among the best-known areas of application, for example Smoking cessation. Within the framework of hypnosis, the reasons why people reach for cigarettes are worked out. Thus, it is possible in further consequence to strengthen impulse control.

Stress and burnout have become a constant companion in our fast-paced time. Hardly anyone finds sufficient recovery phases to mentally and physically strenuous activities that have to be managed in everyday life. Relaxation techniques alone do not help here in many cases any more.

The cause of stress is often due to a lack of self-esteem. Our self-confidence is a powerful weapon to be activated. This can be specifically addressed in the context of a trance.

Also Fears can be overcome through hypnosis. This enters our lives in the most diverse forms. Sometimes as concrete threats of snakes or spiders. Often more diffuse than fear of heights or claustrophobia. Sometimes also by invisible enemies in the form of relationship or loss fears. In hypnotherapy, the reasons for the fear are identified and the fear triggers are subsequently desensitized.

Sleep disorders have become a real widespread disease in recent years. In addition, other problems such as Headache and Weaknesses in concentration. All this significantly affects the everyday life of those affected.

Medication is not a permanent solution in such cases and can not only cause long-term damage, but can also make you addicted to it. Hypnosis can be a simple solution for problems falling asleep and sleeping through the night. In the course of the treatment, the worries and stress triggers are got to the bottom of.

With Depression Hypnotherapy is an option that, in contrast to taking medication in this context, does not focus on suppressing the symptoms but on the triggers of the illness. This holistic method can significantly improve the quality of life of those affected if the problems are carefully clarified.

In addition to illnesses, hypnotherapy can also be used for personal issues such as Relationship problems are applied. If there is nothing left of the former light-heartedness in a relationship and instead constant quarrels are in the foreground, this will affect the substance in the long run and lower the joy of life.

The reason is often unfounded jealousy or simply annoying habits of the life partner. Through hypnosis, it is possible for those affected to face relationship problems more calmly in the future.

In the case of failed relationships, therapy can help to overcome the pain of separation and to free oneself mentally for a new partner.

Hypnosis is not an invention of modern times

Already about 6.000 years ago, the first hypnoses were carried out in the Asian region. In India, fakirs have been using it for a very long time to enter a state of inner contemplation.

Even Paracelsus used techniques that strongly resemble hypnosis about 500 years ago and tried to treat nervous disorders with them. In recent history, famous psychoanalysts such as Sigmund Freud used hypnosis to penetrate deep into the life story of individuals.

During the two world wars, it was used on soldiers to help them process their experiences in the war.

To find the solution within oneself

For many problems and illnesses, conventional medicine reaches its limits. Because even the best treatment fizzles out ineffectively if the patients are not ready for it. Hypnosis offers help for self-help in this case.

During hypnotherapy, many sufferers experience a feeling of relaxation that allows them to access their subconscious mind, which can help them find the real causes of discomfort.

Because the power of hypnosis is, among other things, to specifically eliminate our constant companions in the form of negative and self-critical thoughts. Patients who fully engage in hypnosis therefore often report that they are particularly motivated and energetic after the treatment.

The next step is to learn to maintain this new and pleasant state for as long as possible.

Are there also risks with a hypnosis therapy?

Basically, hypnosis only works for people who consciously allow themselves to be hypnotized. This does not always succeed, because about ten percent are considered immune to hypnosis.

It is important that the hypnotist is gentle with his patients in the state of trance. Finally, inappropriate suggestions could have negative consequences. Journeys into the past can lead to psychological damage without psychotherapeutic support.

For this reason it is important that the treatments are carried out only by persons who have an appropriate permission for the practice of the welfare medicine. In Germany, these include mainly psychotherapists and doctors as well as alternative practitioners.

Especially in the case of recognized mental illnesses such as depression or eating disorders, this is even a legal requirement for treatment in this country. But even when dealing with relationship problems or stress, it is advisable to go to an expert.