Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

What is interest in pelvic strengthening exercises during rules ?

The menstrual cycle of a woman is complex and disturbing: hormonal disruption, headache, cramps, bloating or even more or less violent abdominal pain. Directly linked to our pelvic floor, our genital system (man and woman) and our organs depend on this unknown muscle. What is the pelvic floor for and why muscler can relieve the rules ? Here are elements of response as well as 4 pelvic reinforcement exercises to do at home.

The muscle of the pelvic floor: what is it for ?

The pelvic floor is a muscle not to neglect, but on the contrary to train regularly. Present in men and women, it is in the pool. With its 3 layers of muscle (superficial, medium and deep), it extends from the front of the pubis at the back of the perineum (Coccyx). Its role being essential for our health and our daily comfort, the pelvic floor provides 3 distinct functions:

  • support of pelvic organs : bladder, uterus and rectum inside the’abdomen;
  • functioning of sphincters, their opening and closing (urethra, vagina and anus);
  • strengthening sexual pleasure : with a muscular and controllable pelvic floor, a woman limits any feeling of pain during the report and can even control the rise of her pleasure and that of her partner.

Which can weaken the muscles of the pelvic floor, the variations of hormones crossed during menstruation truly impact menstrual pain. The chronic pain felt can be hereditary or be caused by a lesion or a condition of the intrapelvian organs. The discomfort or pain of the pelvic floor is often associated, or even amplified by dysmenorrhea (pain during rules), dyspareunia (pain during sex), cystitis, etc.

To find out more about this, you can consult this page: https: // fr.perifit.CO/PAGES/Content-734-Pelvic-Floor-And-Menstruation.

The pelvic floor muscle: what is it for?

Why is it necessary to strengthen your pelvic floor ?

It is necessary that Strengthen your pelvic floor Because, like any muscle, its fabrics can be weakening. If the fabrics of the pelvic muscle are stretched or even distended, it may have consequences More or less serious:

  • Urinary incontinence and leaks;
  • dyspareunie during sexual intercourse because the pelvic muscle is too contracted and does not relax;
  • dysmenorrhea and amplified cramps during rules;
  • tears during childbirth;
  • prolapse Uro-Génitital: organ descent down the’abdomen and vagina.

The interest in strengthening your pelvic floor is therefore:

  • ;
  • Increase his pleasure during sexual intercourse thanks to the contraction / relaxation at will;
  • restrict the risks of prolapse and tears during pregnancy and childbirth.

Various factors can weaken the muscles of your pelvic floor: sedentary lifestyle and the lack of physical activity mainly. Some sports and trades (wearing heavy loads, prolonged standing position), just like pregnancy, menopause, aging, overweight, constipation and cough can also impact the pelvic muscle.

What exercises for strengthening the pelvic floor are the most suitable during the rules ?

More sensitive to variations in pelvic muscle and abdominal pressures, women are often offered a Perineal rehabilitation by their doctor, gynecologist or physiotherapist to build their pelvic floor. Of the Simple exercises to do at home make it possible to become aware of your perineum, to feel it, to rebuild it and to control it:

  • 10 Clonic contractions : contract for 5 seconds your perineum as if you wanted to pee, then release 10 seconds before repeating this cycle at least 3 times a day (Kegel exercise);
  • Lying contractions: set up on your back, folded legs and well flat feet in the natural alignment of your body. Do the Kegel exercise again in this position or by raising your basin from the ground (your back straight). Gently rest your back on the ground at the expiration / relaxation;
  • Always on your back, stop your breath (pinching your nose) and blow gently while contracting your perineum. Raise the air of your belly under your ribs: your belly digs and your chest swells. Release and repeat the exercise a dozen times;
  • Do your sport (especially your abs), by contracting your perineum during the effort.

Playing a major role in our daily comfort, the pelvic floor is a set of discreet and yet very powerful muscles. Knowing it is beneficial, especially during menstrual cycles: regular pelvic reinforcement exercises provide fairly fast relief while limiting the appearance of other pains.